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Stray Reflections

Stray Reflections


Stray Reflections, 1910
Art -art-art
The Discovery
Human Intellect
The Economics of Charity
The Existence of God
A Dialogue
The Satisfaction of Vanity
Cruel Psychology
The Power of Belief
The God of Islam
Hegel’s System of Philosophy
15th May 1910
Forms of Government
Poetry and Logical Truth
Personal Immortality
Muslim Solidarity
The German Nation
The Modern Hindu
Right and Might
The Future of Afghanistan
Life as Criticism of Poetry
European Christianity
Christ and Spinoza
The Madness of Nietzsche
The Conquest of Persia
The Tutelage of Nations
The Popularity of a Poem
Hegel, Ghalib, Goethe, Ghalib, Bedil and Wordsworth
The Jewish Contribution to Civilization
The Dependence of Science on Metaphysics
Modern Science and Democracy
The Relationship of Ideas to Their Historical Context
The Spiritual Ideal of the German Nation
On Loving One’s Enemies
White Man’s Burden
Goethe’s Faust
The Soul of Oscar Wilde
Robber Nations
The Memory of Man
Amusements in Muslim Countries
The Power of Minorities
Scepticism and Religion
Arab Poetry
The Critical Period of the Muslims of India
The Interpretation of History
The Worth of Things
The End of Education
God is Power
The Powerful Man
The Touch of Power
The Thought of the Powerful Man
Waiting for the Mehdi
The Idea of Nationality
Kant’s Categorical Imperative
To Revitalize the Dying Organism
The Wonderful History of the Muslim Community
To Reconstruct This World
The Poet and the World-Spirit
The Vague and the Obscure
The Gramophone of History
Sin and Piety
Virtuous People
Contemplation Without Action
Success in Life
To Become a Public Leader
A Successful Man
The Lazy Mind
The Moral Value of Suffering
The Big Library
Democracy and Imperialism
Moral Readers
The Young Prophets and the Muslim Woman
Poets and Politicians
A Prophet
Philosophy and Poetry
Plato and Goethe
The Most Charming Thing on Earth
Conformity Without Dogma
Sunset on the Banks of the Ravi
True Political Life
The Importance of a True Marriage
God and the Devil
Think of the Devil
The Psychologist and the Poet
The Instinct to Collect Testimonials
The Anatomy of the Human Mind
Man and Infinity
The Poet As a Human Being
The Effect of Philosophy and Poetry
Shakespeare and Goethe
The Value of the Moment
Experience and Knowledge
Common-place Facts
Horace, Montaigne and Azad
Literary Criticism
Goethe and Heine
Love is a Playful Child
Seeking Wisdom
The Man With a Single Idea
Art Alone is Boundless
Absolute Knowledge and Moral Growth

Content may differ in other languages.


On Loving One’s Enemy

Love is more than elixir. The latter is supposed to turn baser metals into gold; the former turns all the baser passions into itself. Christ and Buddha were absolutely correct in their perception of the nature of love; but in their passion for ethical idealism they ignored the facts of life. It is too much to expect of man to love his enemies. Some extraordinary individuals may have realised this maxim in their life; but as a principle of national morality the maxim clearly falls down. The results of the Russo-Japanese war would have been different if the Japanese had acted on the principles of morality associated with their religion.

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On Loving One’s Enemies

On Loving One’s Enemies

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