Fill the old wine in the New Age bowl.
Cast the self’s light on hills and lands whole.
If you wish to eat fruits from Mansoor’s bowl,
Say none save Allah can rule the world whole.

1.         Basic thought

Take the world’s order in you own hand,
Throw other Gods from your heart’s land.

Hussain bin Mansoor Hallaj, a famous saint who was hanged on gibbot in 309 Hijri for saying ‘Anal Haq” I am the Truth; I am the God) His real name was Hussain, but known as Mansoor Hallaj on his father’s name. He was not a Hallaj (a cotton carder) by profession. Once he stayed at the house of a friend (who was a cotton carder) in his absence. On his own hint (or gesture) the carding bow started carding automatically. From that day be was named Hallaj.
Mansoor’s bowl; his creed, his school of thought or a branch of similar sect.