Rise! and upon the thirsty land
Sprinkle life’s wine with lavish hand;
Kindle anew the spirit’s fire,
And bid the flame in us expire.

The tav’ern wine is draincd and gone,
The drinkers find oblvion;
The school re-echoes to the shout,
And every lamp has flickered out.

Reason’s a knot-resolving slave,
Faith mid convention’s laid to grave,
For in the breast there beats a heart,
The unseen target of love’s dart,

Both are in quest of one abode
And both would lead upon the road:
Reason tries every strategem,
But love pulls gently by the hem.

Love to the dust ruin hurled
The tabernacle of the world,
And stretches high his fingers, even
Unto the canopy of heaven.