This poem allegorically deals with the controversy of Intellect and Love, a subject which was very dear to ‘All«mah Iqb«l, for which see Chapter 3, paragraph, “The Controversy of `Aql O Dil”. The identity of the young man from Bukh«r« is  immaterial for the lesson of the poem, which is that Intellect  may be sufficient to understand the Existence or the Being of  God and for solving the material problems of life but only the Love  of God and the Holy Prophet S.A.W. can guide one to understand the Dh«t or Essence of God. The poem’s climax is reached in the last verse.

The caravan has been robbed in wilderness and the destination is far
The coast of this desolation, that is this dry ocean is far

My fellow travelers became victims of the robbers’ dagger
The remaining ones turned back to Makkah in frustration

How willingly this young man from Bukh«r« gave his life!
In the poison of death he has found the taste of life!

The robber’s dagger was the Eid’s  crescent to him
“ÿh Yathrib” was within heart, Tawhâd’s slogan was on the lips

Fear says, “Do not travel alone towards Yathrib”
Longing says, “You are a Muslim, travel fearlessly”

“Would I return to Makkah without paying homage?
Would I not appear confidently before Lovers on the Judgment Day?

The traveler through  £ij«z’ wilderness has no fear for life
This secret is hidden in the emigration of the Holy Prophet

Thought safety is in the companionship of the Syrian litter 1
Pleasure of Love is in the heart-breaking affliction of danger

                Ah! How clever this timid Intellect is!
                And the brave man’s feeling how fearless is!

Explanatory Notes
1. Allusion to the custom of a State caravan proceeding from Damascus in Syria to Makkah Mu’aïïamah for £aj  in which safety was ensured.