This short poem expresses the ardent love of ‘All«mah Iqb«l for God and the Holy Prophet S.A.W  as well as for the Holy Land of  £ij«z.

A leader of the nation once said to Iqb«l
“A hospital is about to open in Jeddah for £ij«z

Every speck of your dust becomes restless
As you hear from somebody the tale of £ij«z

Move your hand of Love towards your pocket
You are world famous as the lover of £ij«z

                The hospital in the suburbs of Baèé« 1 is needed
                In the hands of ‘¥s« the patient’s pulse is needed 2

I said “Life lies in the veil of death
As the Truth lies veiled in metaphors

What the Lover has obtained in the position of death
Khiîar could not obtain in the wine of eternal life

Sir, convey this message of life to others
I am searching for death in the land of £ij«z

                Why have you brought the message of cure?
                What concern do Lovers have with the Masâé«2

Explanatory Notes
1. This is another name of Makkah Mu‘aïïamah.

2. Allusion to S.‘¥s« A.S. and his miracle of bringing the dead to life.