(Includes  a  Verse  of  Mâr  Razâ  D«nish)

For £«j Mâr Saiyyid Razâ D«nish see Appendix I, No. 20. ‘All«mah  Iqb«l has included one of his verses in the last two verses of this poem. The poem has stressed the permanence and the majesty of the Love for God by alluding to the Love of S. Mës« A.S. and S. Ibr«hâm  A.S. as described in the Holy Qur’«n 7: 142-145 and 21: 51-71.

One day Iqb«l questioned the Kalâm of  ñër
“ O You whose foot-prints converted the Valley of Sinai into a garden!

The fire of Namrëd 1 is still ablaze in the world
Why your Love’s old fire has been hidden from the eye”?

The reply of Sinai’s Master was “If you are a Muslim
Leaving the Invisible do not become the lover of the visible

If you have taste for the visible you need the Faith of Khalâl
Otherwise ashes are  the adornments of your life

If you are Lover of the Invisible do not care at all
Set your lamp in the Valley of F«r«n and remain waiting

The visible’s glory is temporary, the Invisibile’s  Majesty is permanent
This Truth  has the body-and-soul connection with Love

What if the flame of  Namrëd is alight in the world

‘ The candle melts itself in the midst of  the assembly

                My light like the stone’s spark is better if concealed’”

Explanatory Notes
1. Namrëd- Though the Holy Qur’«n does not say so it is universally believed in Islamic literature that Namrëd was the king who ordered that S. Ibr«hâm A.S. be thrown into the fire (Holy Qur’«n 21: 68-69).