This short but beautiful poem, eulogizing the night of Mi�r�j portrays the spontaneous feelings of �All�mah Iqb�l after reading the Holy Qur��n Surah 17. The significance of this night is two fold. First, it was the occasion when the secrets of the spiritual part of the celestial world were opened to a human being. This shows the elegant position of Man in comparison with other creatures of God. Secondly, the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) was the only person in the history of mankind and that of divine revelation to whom these secrets were visually shown. The first fact is expressed by �All�mah Iqb�l in another verse, which says:

 (216)    I have learnt from the Holy Prophet�s Ascension to the celestial world

               That the world of Man transcends the celestial world

(Appendix III, No. 29)

 The second one shows that the disclosure of spiritual secrets of the celestial world completed the process of their revelation and obviated the need for subsequent prophets. This is another proof in support of the finality of the Prophethood with the Holy Prophet  (S.A.W.).

This call of the evening star is coming from the sky
�This is the night before which the dawn prostrates

�For courage the �Arsh-i-Bar�n is only a pace away�
The Mi�r�j�s night is saying this to the Muslim