Observational & Analytical Period

The formative period was followed by the analysis of whatever  Iqbal had observed. Iqbal’s perception of the west made him realize that Europe's know ledge was narrow and one sided. It dealt only with meterial matters. It did not deal with the realities of life as it failed to comprehend the true essence of life. Iqbal was a firm believer that life was an amalgam of spiritualism and materialism. This view is expressed in all its teachings.


Iqbal says,

Europe is advanced both in knowledge and technical skill

The truth is it is with out any direction as far as cause of humanity is concerned


This education, this logic, this solution, this government.

They suck the life blood of humanity

And advocate the cause of equality 


 Initial Exposure | The Formative Years | Main | Iqbal's Vision of Western civilization | Reason for Iqbal's Professed Attitude  |
  The Effects of Iqbal's Thinking | Glimpses of his Concept |
  Guest Book |